Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dinosaur Jungle

We've had a wooden box full of dirt sitting in the corner of our patio play area for months now, and every so often I look at it and think "I must do something with that...". Sometimes it's just been used for digging for bugs or the occasional mud pie, but mostly it's just sat there looking a rather shabby...until now!

I've been seeing a lots of ideas for outside small worlds on Pinterest lately (yes, I do ocassionally get lost in Pinterest land) and also wanting to find a more permanent home for Beans dinosaurs, so one sunny afternoon we turned our box of dirt into a Dinosaur Jungle! 

Together Bean and I gathered small branches from bushes and trees around the garden and pushed them into the dirt to make trees for the jungle.

Bean found a big rock, some flowers, leaves, and bugs for the dinosaurs to eat...yum! ;-)

It's turned into a peaceful little place for her to play and story tell, and has got me thinking about some more small worlds we could create outside for summer...

Happy Playing! 

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